Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Karen Bedonie Campaigns in Santa Fe
On August 23rd 2021 at 7:30 in the morning, Karen Bedonie a small businesswoman from Mexican Springs who is seeking the Republican nomination challenging incumbent Democratic governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, held a campaign event just outside the state capitol in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With over a dozen people in attendance, Bedonie joined by her daughters, alongside other speakers, spoke about her campaign and why she is running for governor. Her campaign theme is saving New Mexico from socialism and fighting for New Mexican's rights. Her background as a small business owner and as a Navajo woman, Bedonie believes that she is the right person. Despite in crowded Republican field which includes Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block of Rio Rancho, financier Greg Zanetti of Albuquerque, ex-Gary Johnson staffer Jim Walsh of Albuquerque, state Rep. Rebecca Dow of Truth or Consequences, businessman Louie Sanchez of Albuquerque, and former mayor of Cuba, New Mexico, Ethel Maharg, she bel...