Op-Ed: Even if you hate Alexis's guts, rank her as 2nd choice anyway on November 2nd
When it comes to politics in New Mexico, Santa Fe is considered a Democratic stronghold. With 71% of the county voting overwhelmingly Democratic and only 22.3% voting Republican in the last election, one would find it hard to believe that a conservative would even have a chance at winning the capital city's top job as mayor. However, the actions of the incumbent mayor Alan Webber can change that. Webber has been widely criticized by Santa Fe's majority Hispanic population and some of his former supporters for his refusal to protect the Soldiers Monument which was destroyed by violent thugs in 2020. To make matters worse, he told the Santa Fe Police Department to stand down. He also partnered with out-of-town organizations to rip down culturally significant Hispanic and Catholic artifacts through a Marxist “Culture, History, Art, Reconciliation” commission or the CHART committee. According to the Santa Fe Reporter, Webber argues that the monument's destruction prevent...